IELTS Interview Skills

Watch this series of videos to help you prepare for the speaking module of the IELTS test.
Don't memorise answers

It's common for interviewees to prepare answers in advance but there are things that you should avoid doing.


Quick Grammar

Quick Grammar Reference
This reference section provides brief explanations of 48 of the more common areas of grammar, each with an activity to help you learn.
Adjectives & Prepositions

Some adjectives go with certain prepositions. There is no real pattern – you need to learn them as you meet them. Here are some examples but remember that there are many other adjective + preposition combinations that are not covered here.

With ‘at’

I’m quite good at English but I’m bad at maths and I’m terrible at physics.
With ‘for’

Jogging is good for your health but smoking is bad for you.
The town is famous for its cheese.
As well as ‘good for’, ‘bad for’ and ‘famous for’ we also say ‘qualified for’ ‘ready for’, ‘responsible for’, ‘suitable for’ and several others.

With ‘of’

I’m perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you.
I’m very fond of this old sweatshirt.

As well as ‘capable of’ and ‘fond of’ we also say ‘aware of’, ‘full of’, ‘tired of’ and several others.

With ‘with’

We’re very pleased with your progress.
You’re not still angry with me are you?
As well as ‘pleased with’ and ‘angry with’ we also say ‘bored with’, ‘delighted with’, ‘satisfied with’ and several others.

With ‘to’

She’s the one who’s married to a doctor, isn’t she?
You’ll be responsible to the head of the Finance department.
Notice that you can be responsible for something but responsible to someone.

English Speaking Basics

English Speaking Basics This section is created for English speaking beginners who need help to understand the basics of speaking English. We will use very simple phrases and expressions to help you in your English-speaking. There are currently 90 lessons with more than 900 audio files in English basics talk section. Once you are familiar with the basics of the English-speaking, you can move on to other categories such as regular English classes.