Business and labor
In the business and work you can find materials that aim to help you reach your professional aspirations through the development of English language skills of your.
You can find our series of podcasts and articles on a wide range of business and professional topics, accompanied by linguistic practice activities to help you improve your level of English in the workplace. You can also find a video series that covers the recruitment process.
What do we mean by building a relationship?
When we talk about efficiency to build a relationship in the business world, we refer to building strong relationships with partners and customers - on the use of the skills of dealing with others on the network in an efficient manner.
What not to do a competent builder to do?
Someone competent in building a relationship focuses on understanding the client's needs and get the best possible results. This promotes efficiency and customer service ethic so understanding and anticipation of changing customer needs is essential. Tension, conflict and other issues that the relationship between the competent builder will manage - Save up acting as a mediator when conflicts arise.
How do I begin to develop competencies to build a relationship?
First determine the objectives of the action plan of the department and decide what your role will be in helping to achieve those goals. You will need to study the business plan and learn as much as possible about your clients' activities and interests and needs. This information may be available in their annual reports or in customer surveys conducted by the company. Talk to customers about how you can meet their needs the best is also the first step is reasonable to take.
Seven Steps to become an effective relationship between the Builder:
Plan what you need to do in order to give customers what they want. Discuss your thoughts with your line manager and then do what is necessary to implement the plan.
When the plan was set in motion, and schedule regular meetings with your line manager to review the progress that you are making and make any necessary adjustments.
When you're working as part of a team or a group within a department or a company it is important to assess the contribution to the work of the group. Think about how your efforts help or hinder progress.
Weekly analysis of your obligations. Set yourself a goal for each week so that you will follow through. Make an effort to do what you say you're going to do - and also, to do so by the time you say will be done. If you get in the habit of doing this and will become like second nature.
Building a file of contacts and categorized in a meaningful way to the context of your work. Then you will know exactly who to contact with any questions or when information is needed.
Do not just wait for feedback to come to you, ask for it from a variety of sources - from your line manager but also from colleagues, customers and the people who you supervise. Listen to what they have to say and act accordingly.
Build formal relationships with the people who work around you. Make a point of greeting people who usually do not speak for. Ask them about their interests and make it a goal to practice small talk with them. Listen to what they say and remember so that you can ask about a particular interest in the next time you meet.