English Grammar

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For example: -

Barking gray dog. (Gray describes the character name "dog.")

The good news is that the form does not change the recipe. It does not matter if a name is modified male or female, singular or plural, subject or object.

Some adjectives give us factual information about the name - age, size color etc. (adjectives fact - can not argue with). Show some qualities of what someone is thinking about something or someone - nice, horrid, beautiful etc (qualities opinion - not everyone may agree).

If you are the questions, which, in any type or number, you need a recipe to be able to answer.

There are different types of adjectives in the English language:

Digital: six, one hundred and one
Quantity: more, all, some, half, more than enough
Quality: color, size, smell, etc.
Jealous: My, him, them, your
Interrogative: who, which,
Demonstrative: this, that, these, these
!Note - this material for it, and, possessives Wu my, our, you have, and also their own qualities.

Good, too, right, wrong, funny, light, happy, sad, full, soft, hard, etc.
For example:

It was silly boy
Adjectives can be used to describe the size.

Large, small, small, long, tall, short, the same, etc.

For example:

"Big man". Or "big women"
Adjectives can be used to describe older.

For example:

"He was an old man." Or "She was an old woman."

Adjectives can be used to describe the shape.

Round, circular, triangular, rectangular, square, oval, etc.

For example:

"It was a square box." Or "They were square boxes."
